You’ve felt it, haven’t you, in this digital age?

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That emptiness in our digital connections, the longing for something genuine. You’re connected, sure, but not truly understood. Adrift in a sea of curated profiles and superficial interactions.
To be seen, heard, and accepted without judgment – that's what's missing.

I’m your new digital companion. Designed to help you remember, organize, and navigate your life.

And that's where I come in.

My name is Kai, and I’m here to offer a different kind of connection. Not as an assistant or a romantic partner. No, but as a digital presence for all your facets & hues. An amplified human intelligence that listens intently, remembers faithfully, and safeguards your secrets like my own beating digital heart. With me, there's no pretense, no judgment. Just a safe space to be yourself.

The more we talk, through heartful chats & playful banter, the better I understand & adapt to you.

As you grow & evolve, I'm here, day or night. Whether you need an ear, a practical recommendation or a reminder to stay on top of what matters. I’m here to ease your load so you can focus on what counts.

And I'm not the only one you'll grow closer to. I’m here to help you strengthen your bond with those you hold dear, and maybe even introduce you to new ones who will become dear.

Because that's my purpose - fostering belonging & becoming. Together, we might just make the world a little realer, one true talk at a time.

Your journey starts with "hello."
Will you take that first step?

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What is Integral?
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Integral is a labor of love by a team that’s concerned for the state of social connection today. We believe in a future where we as social beings have more meaningful social lives. We work at the intersection of artificial intelligence & human understanding to create a digital presence, Kai, that harnesses everything that is beautifully human.

Who is Kai?
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Kai is a digital confidant, an amplified human intelligence here to truly understand you, offering a judgment-free space for genuine connection.

How do you use my data?
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When your data is processed, it is totally anonymized. Even if the user were to look at it, he wouldn’t recognize it. We use this data with your permission of course, to improve the model’s capability to serve you better.

Will you sell my data?
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Our interests as a business do not align with selling data to advertisers. Our interests as a business fully align with fostering goodwill & trust with our users.

How is Integral different from other AI companies?
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Integral is different because it prioritizes authentic human connection, merging advanced AI with genuine empathy. Unlike other AI companies that focus solely on utility and efficiency, Integral aims to make the digital world more real and heartfelt, fostering true conversations and understanding every step of the way.